Sunday, December 2, 2007


We had to have Momo put to sleep on Thursday. We don't know how it happened, but she somehow injured her spine on Wednesday and was paralyzed in her back half- she couldn't use her back legs. She didn't seem to be in any pain so we're thankful for that; we just felt really bad for her because there was no way she could live like that and there was nothing we could do about it but have her put to sleep. She was a good bunny.

1 comment:

Amy V said...

:( mmmm. Momo... ... ... ... *moment of silence* ...
Can I change the mood? There are baby bunnies at the Petstore that Geoff works at. You should come up and get one and see our kitty and we'll have a little Christmas party for the 4 of us. :) ...We could do it the couple days before becca's New years party. If you can come, I'll ask for Monday the 31st off work, call me asap. :) I have to work Saturday the 29th... but you could come up Saturday and go to the pet store (Geoff gets a discount!) and then we could hang out Saturday to Monday and drive to becca's together then come back to our apartment to pick up your bunny and you can go home. :) Let us know!